How to add signature in outlook laptop
How to add signature in outlook laptop

Close Microsoft Outlook, if it’s currently open.Let’s say you want to backup all your signature for future use in a folder called C:\Backup\Email Signatures. Either type the following in the Start, Run box or in the Windows search box in Windows 10/8.1/8 to quickly get to the APPDATA folder: APPDATA folder is a hidden folder and instead of showing you where it’s located and how to unhide the folder, I am going to show you a much simpler way to get to it. Once you have them backed up, you can easily restore them to the same, or a different, computer.īefore you wipe your Outlook profile, which may be the case when you are replacing your old computer, make sure you backup your email signatures first by copying them from the APPDATA folder in your profile in Windows 10 File Explorer. If you are in a similar boat, you too may have a need to backup and restore (import) your email signatures once in a while. I don’t want to repeat the process of adding signatures to my Outlook profile every time I purchase a new computer, or wipe out my hard drive and do a fresh install, which I like to do when I install a new operating system. That’s not the only reason why I have a need to backup my signatures. Copying and pasting them is not very convenient. If I only had one or two signatures it wouldn’t be a big deal, but I wear different hats in my profession and have to use multiple signatures. It also helps me avoid copying and pasting signatures from one computer to another while I am connected using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

how to add signature in outlook laptop

Because of this, sometimes I have a need to backup and import email signatures in Microsoft Outlook desktop application from one computer to another so that I don’t have to manually create the signatures. For various reasons, I work on a lot of different computers and have a need for an Outlook profile on multiple computers.

How to add signature in outlook laptop